Ready to start a fastener molding project? Contact us now!
Welcome To OFasteners
OFasteners is a professional China plastic fastener molding manufacturer with a CNC parts process, plastic fastener mold design, custom plastic fastener molding, and plastic fastener molding products. We also offer low-volume fastener molding and high-volume fastener molding services, supporting any size company.


Contact: +86 18593413916

Yidalong Industrial Park, Dongguan.
Making Your Product Idea A Reality
We have a team of skilled engineers ready to support you in your product development journey from prototyping to production.
When you’re ready to start your next project, simply upload your 3D CAD design files using our secure online form and our engineers will get back to you with a quote. For more information, please contact us and start your plastic fastener or CNC projects.